Tenderan, R.,Ishida, T.,Jiao, Y.,Yamada, S.; Seismic performance of ductile steel moment-resisting frames subjected to multiple strong ground motions, Earthquake Spectra, 35, No. 1, pp. 289-310, 2019.2
Shoichi Kishiki, Dong-Seok Lee, Satoshi Yamada, Takanori Ishida, and Yu Jiao; Low-Cycle Fatigue Performance Assessment of Current Japanese Steel Beam-to-Column Connections Determined by Ductile Fracture, Engineering Structures, Vol 182, 241–250, 2019
Dong-Seok Lee, Shoichi Kishiki, Satoshi Yamada, Takanori Ishida, and Yu Jiao; Experimental Study of Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a Welded Flange-Bolted Web Connection in Steel Moment-Resisting Frames, Earthquake Spectra, DOI: 10.1193/062617EQS131M, Vol 34, pp1-18, 2018.11
Satoshi Yamada, Takanori Ishida, and Yu Jiao; Hysteretic Behavior of RHS Columns Under Random Cyclic Loading Considering Local Buckling, International Journal of Steel Structure, DOI: 10.1007/s13296-018-0087-x, 18・Issue 5, 2018.5, p1761-p1771
Diana Ena, Satoshi Yamada, Yu Jiao, Shoichi Kishiki, Yoshinao Konishi; Reliability of U-Shaped Steel Dampers Used in Base-Isolated Structures Subjected to Biaxial Excitation, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46, No. 4, pp. 621-639, Apr. 2017.
Satoshi Yamada, Yu Jiao; A Concise Hysteretic Model of Structural Steel Considering theBauschinger Effect, International Journal of Steel Structure, DOI:10.1007/s13296-015-0134-9, 16・Issue 3, 2016.9, p671-p683
Diana Ena, Shoichi Kishiki, Satoshi Yamada, Yu Jiao, Yoshinao Konishi, Masao Terashima, and Norihisa Kawamura; Experimental Study on the Bidirectional Inelastic Deformation Capacity of U-Shaped Steel Dampers for Seismic Isolated Buildings, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamic, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2621, 45・Issue 2, 2016.2, p173-p192
Yu Jiao, Shoichi Kishiki, Satoshi Yamada, Diana Ene, Yoshinao Konishi, Yuuma Hoashi, and Masao Terashima; Low Cyclic Fatigue and Hysteretic Behavior of U-Shaped Steel Dampers for Seismically Isolated Buildings under Dynamic Cyclic Loadings, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2533, 44・Issue 10、2014.12、p1523-p1538
Satoshi Yamada, Yu Jiao, Hiroyuki Narihara, Satoshi Yasuda, and Takashi Hasegawa; Plastic Deformation Capacity of Steel Beam-to-column Connection under Long-duration Earthquake, International Journal of High-Rise Buildings, 3・Issue 3, 2014.9, p231-p241
Jiao Yu, Yamada Satoshi, Kishiki Shoichi, and Shimada Yuko; Evaluation of plastic energy dissipation capacity of steel beams suffering ductile fracture under various loading histories, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.1103, 40・Issue 14, 2011.11, p1553-p1570
Yaming Li, Xiaofeng Zhou, Jingsong Wu, Yu Jiao, Jianbo Song and Yuelou Zhang; Design of
Neotype Hybrid-Structure of the Central Sail in China Maritime Museum (In Chinese), Progress in Steel Building Structures, 9・Issue 5, 2007.9, p7-p12
Yu Jiao, Jian-Bo Song, Xiao-Feng Zhou, Ya-Ming Li; Design and Construction of a Beam String Structure (In Chinese), Spatial Structure, 11・Issue 3, 2005.11, p61-p64
- 近野裕樹、焦 瑜、山田哲、Randy Tenderan;ランダム載荷を受けるスカラップを有する鋼構造柱梁接合部の塑性変形能力評価、鋼構造年次論文報告集、28、2020年11月 (accepted)
- トッチ タイリン、山田哲、石田孝徳、焦 瑜、吉敷祥一;Cyclic Deformation Capacity up to Ultimate Strength and Fracture of Structural Steel SS400 under Large Strains、鋼構造年次論文報告集、28、2020年11月 (accepted)
- トッチ タイリン、山田哲、石田孝徳、焦 瑜;大歪振幅繰り返し載荷を受ける構造用鋼材の実験、鋼構造年次論文報告集、27、2019年11月
- 近野裕樹、焦 瑜、山田哲;歪履歴に着目した鋼構造柱梁接合部の塑性変形能力評価、鋼構造年次論文報告集、27、2019年11月
- 北村莉菜、焦 瑜、大家和也、白都滋;一面せん断平板割込み接合部を有する鋼管ブレースの繰り返し挙動、鋼構造年次論文報告集、27、2019年11月
- 焦 瑜、吉敷祥一、山田哲、三木徳人、長谷川 隆;繰り返し載荷を受ける梁端フランジの亀裂長さと耐力低下の関係、鋼構造年次論文報告集、26、2018年11月、P694-p700
- 李東錫、石田孝徳、焦 瑜、吉敷祥一、山田哲;現場混用接合形式の低サイクル疲労性能評価に関する解析的検討、鋼構造年次論文報告集、26、2018年11月、P686-p693
- 三木徳人、吉敷祥一、山田 哲、長谷川隆、焦 瑜;梁ウェブにおけるモーメント伝達効率が低くなる角形鋼管柱とH形鋼梁で構成される骨組の耐震性能評価,日本建築学会構造系論文集, Vol. 82, No. 737, Jul. 2017
- 三木徳人、山田 哲、吉敷祥一、長谷川隆、焦 瑜;ウェブの曲げ伝達効率が低い柱梁接合部を有する骨組の耐震性能, 鋼構造年次論文集, Vol. 24, pp. 253-260, Nov. 2016.
- 山田哲、エネディアナ、吉敷祥一、焦 瑜、小西克尚、帆足勇磨;免震構造用U字形鋼材ダンパーの損傷評価における水平2方向入力の影響、日本建築学会構造系論文集、81・№724、2016年6月、p1027-p1037
- 齋藤真美、焦 瑜、河野守;解析による鋼製スリットダンパー疲労性能評価手法の検討、構造工学論文集、62B、2016年3月、p315-p320
- 山田哲、三木徳人、吉敷祥一、長谷川隆、焦 瑜;梁ウェブにおけるモーメント伝達効率が低い柱梁接合部の繰り返し載荷実験、日本建築学会構造系論文集、81・№720、2016年2月、p345-p355
- 山田哲、小林良平、エネディアナ、焦 瑜、吉敷祥一、小西克尚、帆足勇磨、西本晃治;免震構造用U型鋼材ダンパーの水平2方向載荷実験に用いる標準載荷履歴の提案、日本建築学会技術報告集、22・№50、2015年10月、p127-p132
- 焦 瑜、山田哲、エネディアナ、小林良平、吉敷祥一、小西克尚、寺嶋正雄、帆足勇磨;免震層の罫書き記録に基づく免震構造用U型鋼材ダンパーの損傷評価法、日本建築学会技術報告集、21・№48、2015年6月、p649-p654
- 山田哲、焦 瑜、吉敷祥一;スカラップ底からの延性破壊によって決まる鉄骨梁の塑性変形能力評価法、日本建築学会構造系論文集、80・№711、2015年5月、p767-p777
- 三木徳人、山田哲、吉敷祥一、焦 瑜、長谷川隆;角形鋼管柱-H 形鋼梁偏心接合部の力学挙動、日本建築学会構造系論文集、80・№710、2015年4月、p669-p679
- 勝山由佳子、焦 瑜、河野守;鋼製スリットダンパーの形状の違いが疲労特性に及ぼす影響、構造工学論文集、60B、2014年4月、p22-p29
- 焦 瑜、山田哲、吉敷祥一;鉄骨梁塑性変形能力の評価を目的とする実験載荷プロトコル、鋼構造年次論文報告集、20、2012年11月、p781-p786
- 三木徳人、焦 瑜、山田哲、吉敷祥一;角形鋼管柱に梁が偏心して取り付く接合部の実験、鋼構造年次論文報告集、20、2012年11月、p741-p746
- 山田哲、焦 瑜、吉敷祥一;任意の載荷履歴を受ける梁の延性破壊によって決まる塑性変形能力、鋼構造年次論文報告集、19、2011年11月、p239-p246
- 山田哲、焦 瑜、吉敷祥一、柴田篤宏;軸方向に任意の載荷履歴を受ける鋼材の塑性変形能力、日本建築学会構造系論文集、75・№656、2010年10月、p1909-p1916
- 山田哲、吉敷祥一、松本由香、森万喜子、焦 瑜;鋼構造建築の応答解析に用いる履歴モデルに関する基礎的検討、鋼構造論文集、15・№60、2008年12月、p9-p22
- Yu Jiao, Hiroki Konno, and Satoshi Yamada; Evaluation of Plastic Deformation Capacity of Steel Beam-to-column Connections Based on Flange Strain Amplitudes, 12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference Tokyo, Japan, November 9 -11, 2019
- Thaileang TOUCH1, Satoshi YAMADA, Takanori ISHIDA, and Yu JIAO; Extremely Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Structural Steel, 10th International Symposium on Steel Structures, November 13-16, 2019, Jeju, Korea
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada; Study on cumulative deformation capacity of steel beam-to-column connections based on numerical analysis, 10th International Symposium on Steel Structures, November 13-16, 2019, Jeju, Korea
- Satoshi Yamada, Takanori Ishida, and Yu Jiao; Hysteresis Mode of RHS Columns Including Deteriorating Behavior Governed by Local Buckling, 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, LA, June. 2018.
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada; Loading Protocols for Steel Beam Tests in Seismic Performance Evaluation,
- 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, LA, June. 2018.
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada; Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Structural Steel in the Form of Modified Manson-Coffin Equation, 12th International Fatigue Congress, Poitiers, France, May. 2018.
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada; Bilinear Manson-Coffin Low Cycle Fatigue Relationship of Structural Steel,
- the 9th International Symposium on Steel Structures, the 9th International Symposium on Steel Structures, 436-439, Nov. 2017.
- 山田 哲, エネ ディアナ, 吉敷祥一, 焦 瑜, 小西克尚,帆足勇磨;免震構造用U字形鋼材ダンパーの損傷評価における水平2方向入力の影響, 第十二回日中建築構造技術交流会, Sep. 2017.
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada, Hiroyuki Narihara, Satoshi Yasuda, Takashi Hasegawa; Plastic Deformation Capacity of Site-welded Steel Beam-to-column Connection under Long-duration Earthquake, 第十二回日中建築構造技術交流会, Sep. 2017.
- Y Jiao, M Saito, M Kohno; Fatigue behavior of steel slit-dampers with various shapes, of 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE) , 2017.1
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada, Shoichi Kishiki; Plastic deformation capacity of structural steel in the low-cycle region, of International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Material XI, 2016.9, CD-ROM
- Satoshi Yamada, Yu Jiao, and Shoichi Kishiki; Evaluation method of plastic deformation capacity of steel beam governed by ductile fracture at the toe of the weld access hole, of Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2015) , 2015.7, p203-p210
- Shimada, Y. Jiao, and S. Yamada; Strength amplification of Structural Steel under Dynamic CyclicLoading due to High Strain-rate、Proc. of Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2015) , 2015.7, p219-p226
- Yu Jiao, Shoichi Kishiki, and Satoshi Yamada; Loading protocol for evaluating the seismic behavior of steel beams in weak-beam moment frames, of Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2015) , 2015.7, p1583-p1590
- Yu Jiao, and Satoshi Yamada; A Simple Hysteretic Model of Structural Steel for Damage Evaluation, of 2014 International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCEN 2014) , 2014.11, CD-ROM
- Yu Jiao, Shoichi Kishiki, Diana Ene, Satoshi Yamada, Norihisa Kawamura, and Yoshinao Konishi; Plastic deformation capacity and hysteretic behavior of U-shaped steel dampers for seismic isolated-buildings under dynamic cyclic loadings, of 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (10NCEE) , 2014.7, CD-ROM
- Norihisa Kawamura, Yoshinao Konishi, Masao Terashima, Yu Jiao, Diana Ene, Shoichi Kishiki, and Satoshi Yamada; Evaluation methods of residual fatigue life of U-shaped steel damper after extreme earthquake excitation, of 10th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (10NCEE), 2014.7, CD-ROM
- Satoshi Yamada, Yu Jiao, Horoyuki Narihara, Satoshi Yasuda, and Takashi Hasegawa; Plastic deformation capacity of steel beam-to-column connection under long-duration earthquake, of 2014 China-Japan-Korea Tall Building Forum (CTBUH) , 2014.7, CD-ROM
- Norihito Miki, Higehito Watanaba, Jiao, and Satoshi Yamada; Random loading test on beam-to-column connection, Proc. of 7th International Symposium on Steel Structures (7ISSS), 2013.11, p120-121
- Yu Jiao, Shoichi Kishiki, and Satoshi Yamada; Evaluation of plastic deformation of steel beams subjected to random loading histories through analytical method, of 7th International Symposium on Steel Structures (7ISSS), 2013.11, p114-115
- Yu Jiao, Atsushi Watanaba, Norihisa Kawamura, Satoshi Yamada, and Ya Zhang; Seismic Energy dissipation and base-isolation technology utilizing the plastic deformation of mild steel (In Chinese) , of 2013 Shanghai International Conference on Structural Control and Damping Device, 2013.9, CD-ROM
- Norihito Miki, Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada, Shoichi Kishiki, and Takashi Hasegawa; Test on Eccentric beam-to-column connections, of 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (10CUEE), 2013.3, CD-ROM
- Diana ENE, Yu JIAO, Shoichi KISHIKI, Satoshi YAMADA, Yoshinao KONISHI, Norihisa KAWAMURA, Masao TERASHIMA; Experimental study on U-dampers for base-isolated structures under 2D random loading history, of 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (10CUEE) , 2013.3, CD-ROM
- Yu Jiao, Katsuyama Yukako, and Mamoru Kohno; Cyclic loading tests of steel slit-dampers with various shapes, of 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (10CUEE) , 2013.3, CD-ROM
- Diana ENE, Yu JIAO, Shoichi KISHIKI, Satoshi YAMADA, Yoshinao KONISHI, Norihisa KAWAMURA, and Masao TERASHIMA; Experimental study on U-dampers for base-isolated structures under 2D random loading histories, of International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering、2012.11, CD-ROM
- Yuko Shimada, Yu Jiao, Jooho Kim, and Satoshi Yamada; Effects of strain-rate on the hysteretic behavior of structural steels, of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), 2012.9, CD-ROM
- Yu Jiao, Shoichi Kishiki, and Satoshi Yamada; Loading protocols employed in evaluation of seismic behavior of steel beams in weak-beam moment frames, of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), 2012.9, CD-ROM
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada, and Shoichi Kishiki; Loading protocols employed in the evaluation of seismic behavior of steel beams in weak-beam moment frames, of Joint Conference of 9th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (9CUEE) & 4th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (4ACEE), 2012.3, CD-ROM
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada, and Shoichi Kishi; Plastic deformation capacity of structural steel under various axial strain histories, of 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (8CUEE), 2011.3, CD-ROM
- Yu Jiao, Satoshi Yamada, Shoichi Kishiki, and Yuko Shimada; Evaluation of plastic energy dissipation capacity of steel beams under various loading histories, of Joint Conference of 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (7CUEE) & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ICEE), 2010.3, CD-ROM
- Satoshi Yamada, Yu Jiao, and Shoichi Kishiki;Fundamental Examination on Hysteresis Model of Steel Members by Experimental Result of Shaking Table Test、 of Joint Conference of PEER Annual Meeting 2009 & 3rd International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering (3AESE), 2009.10, CD-ROM
- Yu Jiao, Yuko Shimada, Shoichi Kishiki, and Satoshi Yamada; Evaluation of Plastic Energy Dissipation Capacity of Steel Beams under Monotonic loading, of Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Earthquake Engineering Research (ANCER Workshop), 2009.8, CD-ROM
- Jiao, Y. Shimada, S. Kishiki, S. Yamada;Study of energy dissipation capacity of steel beams under cyclic loading, Proc. of International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2009) , 2009.8, p959-p964
- Jiao, M. Mori, S. Kishiki, Y. Matsumoto and S. Yamada; Fundamental Examinations on Hysteresis Models of Steel Members Used in Response Analysis, Proc. of 14th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE), 2008.10, CD-ROM